Lines Cantilever

from Fluxwerx

Lines Cantilever is a series of discrete luminaires that uses the same optical and physical dimensions of the Lines Suspended and Lines Onwall luminaires. In this orientation the Cantilever is as the name suggests, projecting from the vertical wall surface. Minimalist and miniscule at only 3” high and less than a finger-width wide, Lines Cantilever is available in two sizes, 1’ and 2’ lengths, and three high performance distributions; direct 100, and indirect/direct 35 Up | 65 Dn, and 60 Up | 40 Dn. Lines lets you plan and design as you have, and have never before. The Lines family of Suspended, Onwall, and Cantilever luminaires all come with three to four distributions, multiple pivoting luminaires and wall connections, distinct endcaps, and three powdercoat finishes, which give way to immeasurable design potential.