The Foundry

The Collaborative partnered with the OHLS District in Toledo, Ohio to create a new Learning Commons in an underutilized courtyard, focusing on community and collaboration.

  • area / size 182,000 sqft
  • Completed 2023
  • Location Toledo, Ohio, , United States
  • The OHLS District partnered with The Collaborative to assess their existing Library and ancillary services and implement a comprehensive Learning Commons.

    In the initial investigations, it became clear that space constraints might exist in the second-floor location of the existing facility. Enthusiasm around an alternative idea for re-purposing the schools underutilized central courtyard quickly took hold. The new location offered that space necessary to accommodate the goals of the project, and perhaps most importantly, it offered a space that could be transformed into a centrally located and highly prominent resource for the students and community of Ottawa Hills.

    Key areas of focus for the Study included:

    • Creation of a new Learning Commons within the existing courtyard and adjacent spaces, with a focus on a destination space that fosters community, comfort, creation, and collaboration.
    • Design of a new science lab to replace the existing lab being displaced through the creation of the new Learning Commons.
    • Potential finish upgrades to the existing science labs.
    • Design of an air conditioning strategy / system for the building.
    • Improved ADA accessibility.

    Design: The Collaborative
    Contractor: Rudolph Libbe
    Furniture Detailer: NBS
    Photography: Matthew McNulty