Hampton Township High School Renovations & New Media Center

  • area / size 9,340 sqft
  • Completed 2022
  • DRAW Collective completed the Hampton Township High School Renovations & New Media Center to give students a new space for learning in Allison Park, Pennsylvania.

    DRAW worked with the Hampton Township School District in a visioning process focused on transformative opportunities within the footprint of their existing high school. In addition to reorienting the building entry to improve access and security, the study identified academic focus areas in engineering and design, sciences, media and communication, physical and mental wellness, and performing arts. The redesign of these focus areas create next Century Learning Environments supporting design thinking, flexibility, collaboration, research, and project-based curriculum.

    The new Media Center is located at the heart of the academic wing and is the keystone of a strategic phased transformation of the high school to support their academic redesign focused on 21st century learning & student wellness. The flexibility of the media center is enhanced by the inclusion of both small and large group collaboration areas, mobile book storage, and flexible furniture options. Common circulation spaces offer opportunities for unstructured learning and informal gathering including the student run ‘Busy Bean’ refreshment area. The new media center addition offers an inspiring collegiate atmosphere infused with modern finishes and natural daylighting in stark contrast to the existing building.

    Design: DRAW Collective
    Photography: Ed Massery