Cranbourne West Secondary College

  • area / size 107,639 sqft
  • Completed 2021
  • Location Melbourne, Australia,
  • DesignInc and Brand Architects collaborated on the Cranbourne West Secondary College with dynamic and open spaces in Melbourne, Australia.

    Delivered as part of the VSBA’s New Schools 2021 program, DesignInc collaborated with Brand Architects to design Cranbourne West Secondary College as an inclusion hub school.

    One of Victoria’s first secondary schools to incorporate inclusivity, the educational environment is specifically designed to consider the learning needs of every child and support students with disability by offering inclusive, accessible, and flexible spaces.

    Catering for students from years 7-12, Cranbourne West Secondary College is planned to support a higher number of students with developmental or physical requirements than a typical mainstream school.
    Working collaboratively with educational consultants, inclusion specialists and the VSBA, DesignInc and Brand Architects conceived an overarching design approach that aims to nurture the whole child in all aspects, from the intellectual and emotional to the physical and social.

    To this end, the site, buildings, and interiors are imagined as a framework that supports nature-inspired learning. The entire school setting and built environment are crafted to nurture the whole child’s learning and emotional growth.

    At Cranbourne West Secondary College, biophilia is translated not only as a physical connection with nature; natural materials and a psychological experience of nature are also integrated into the built environment.

    DesignInc and Brand Architects led the school’s master plan to establish strategic spatial planning and connectivity across the site, with specialist inclusion learning neighbourhoods dedicated to providing teaching and learning spaces, settings for group activities, and targeted teaching and independent study zones.

    Learning neighbourhoods are designed to offer differing spatial qualities and furniture that swiftly flex to respond to the diversity of individual and cohort needs. Each learning neighbourhood has enclosed, semi-enclosed, and open spaces that cater to varying group sizes and activities, with a mix of adaptable and purposeful spaces.

    Design: DesignInc and Brand Architects
    Photography: Dianna Snape